Fix Your External Environment by Changing Your Internal Mindset

It was 2013 I was living in this shit of an apartment, had a job that while I liked I also didn’t like, I made absolutely no money (less than minimum wage), didn’t really have any friends or at least ones that liked the same things I liked, was being strung about by a guy, and just overall in this really weird place mentally and emotionally.

I kept blaming my external environment, saying if I could just get a job where I made more money or a better apartment then things would be better. I’ll be honest I am not sure what spurred on the change but I literally woke up one morning and decided that I wasn’t going to get out of the circumstances I was in until I changed my mindset. Rather than constantly saying I hated the situation I was in, or just saying things sucked, and feeling overall negative about my life at the time I needed to think positively. I needed to believe in myself again and find faith in the journey I was on before I could really make any changes anywhere else.

This change in mindset was the first step to the start of the journey that has led me to where I am now, and let me tell you that journey has been amazing!!!

In the video below I talk about this change in mindset and a few tips as to how to come about this change!!!